Baby Rash: What To Do?

The rash often occurs as a result of irritation of the baby’s delicate skin, which is partly due to certain allergens. In most cases, the symptoms can simply be alleviated. 

Rash in babies: what to do

rash in babies  results in pimples, pustules, and reddening of the skin. Swelling can also occur. In this case, the parents are concerned about the child, but most of the time it is a harmless reaction to a skin irritation.

This often happens especially with small children, because their delicate skin is very sensitive and reacts quickly to external influences.

But you have to watch your child closely because they could also be hiding  a food intolerance or illness behind the rash. If you have the slightest doubt, you should have your child examined by a doctor to get to the bottom of the exact cause.

But before you become unduly concerned, here are some tips for treating a harmless rash at home. Read on to find out more on this topic:

Causes of rash in babies

Rash in babies

A wide variety of triggers can irritate baby’s delicate skin. Sometimes, however, a skin disease, allergy, or nutritional deficiency is also responsible.

Possible causes of a rash in babies include:

  • Synthetic baby clothes
  • Contact with chemicals (such as soap, perfume, shampoo …)
  • Chlorine in swimming pool water
  • heat
  • Rubbing the skin with the diaper
  • Switching to certain foods early
  • Nutritional deficiency
  • Food intolerance
  • Irritation, anger, or nervousness

Symptoms of a rash in babies

Pimples and wheals are common signs of a rash. However, in some cases, other symptoms may also show up: 

  • Dry, red skin
  • Itching and flaking
  • Vesicles and red spots
  • Thickening of the skin (in dermatitis)
  • Hot skin to the touch or a slight fever

Tips against rash in babies

In most cases, there is no need to take the  baby to the emergency doctor. If no other symptoms are seen, watch the rash develop. If the signs don’t get better, make an appointment with your pediatrician.

The following tips can help you alleviate your child’s symptoms:

Baby cream or powder

See the pharmacy for advice on buying a baby cream or powder. This can help reduce redness caused by the rash. The pharmacist will give you a care product that is safe for your child. 

  • Before using the product, you should do a test on a small area of ​​skin to rule out allergic reactions.

Cotton clothes

Synthetic material is not suitable for baby clothing because it can cause skin irritation and allergies. It is best to buy cotton clothes or clothes made from other natural materials for your little one. 

  • These allow the skin to breathe and the child will not suffer from excessive heat.

Avoid disposable diapers

Disposable diapers are made from materials that can promote rashes or dermatitis. The irritation of the skin and the build-up of moisture often produce redness and itching. 

  • To prevent this, we recommend classic cloth diapers. So you can protect the environment at the same time!

    Bath in lukewarm water

    If your baby is crying from the rash and feeling nervous, you can bathe them in lukewarm water with baby soap.

    • You can freshen up your baby this way  and it also relieves itching and heat.


    Mother breastfeeds baby

    Breast milk is the best way to strengthen the baby’s immune system. If the child does not receive breast milk for the first six months of life,  they are usually more prone to allergies, rashes, and infections. 

    Camomile tea

    Classic chamomile tea is very beneficial for treating a rash in babies. This has an anti-inflammatory and refreshing effect. 

    • Apply the chamomile tea to the affected area with cotton wool.

    Avoid stressful environments

    Many forget that babies suffer in stressful environments. This can also manifest itself in a skin rash. 

    Your baby has a rash? Then follow these tips and don’t hesitate to visit your pediatrician for further advice. If your child is restless and has a fever, the doctor will do appropriate tests to investigate the problem.

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