Cucumber Juice Has Many Advantages!

Cucumber juice is an excellent natural alternative to improve the complexion, regulate blood pressure and reduce weight!

Cucumber juice has many benefits!

Cucumber  juice is a very healthy, nutritious, and versatile drink. It contains important vital substances and has numerous health benefits.

The delicious juice  provides, among other things, more vitality, promotes the elimination of kidney stones and reduces the risk of obesity.

The cucumber is one of the most important vegetables that can be found practically  all over the world. It is also used to make pickles, but important nutrients are lost in the process.

The disadvantage of cucumber juice over whole cucumber is that it loses important fiber. Therefore, if you drink cucumber juice every day, you should make  sure that you are getting enough fiber by other means. 

You can also use the leftovers for other recipes after making the cucumber juice or freeze them so that you can later use them for soups, sauces or mixed drinks.

Nutrients of the cucumber

Most of the cucumber contains naturally distilled water (around 96%), the peel contains important vitamin A, so you shouldn’t discard it. It is best to use organically grown cucumbers!

In addition, this vegetable is characterized by minerals that have an alkaline effect. This is important for a healthy acid-base balance, which  can prevent bacteria and diseases. 

The cucumber also contains vitamins A and C,  which have an antioxidant effect, as well as manganese, molybdenum, potassium, silicon, sulfur and smaller amounts of B vitamins, sodium, calcium and phosphorus.

On the other hand, you know for sure that cucumbers can also do a lot for your beauty, for example the classic cucumber slices on the eyes to relieve puffiness and dark circles.

This is due to the caffeic acid it contains, which prevents fluid retention and, when applied externally,  reduces puffiness in the eye area. 

Health benefits

Most of them do not even know the wonderful advantages of cucumber, some even do without these vegetables in their menu. The cucumber may seem “tasteless” to some, but the truth is that it is very refreshing.

Then we will give you various advantages that you too can benefit from when you drink fresh cucumber juice:

Cucumber juice for heartburn

Cucumber juice for heartburn

The base-forming effect of cucumber juice is excellent for regulating the pH value in the blood and neutralizing acids. You can also use it to help treat stomach or duodenal ulcers. 

Cucumber juice for high blood pressure

Like celery, this vegetable is of great use in regulating blood pressure because it contains important nutrients and traces of sodium.

Healthy connective tissue

The cucumber is an excellent source of silicon, which is important for building connective tissue, for example in bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons and ligaments.

Cucumber juice for refreshment

Cucumber juice for refreshment

A glass of cucumber juice with celery is very refreshing, especially in the dry, hot season –  excellent support for regulating body temperature! 

Cucumber juice has a diuretic effect

The refreshing vegetable juice promotes the elimination of harmful substances via the urine and helps to dissolve kidney stones.

Against fever

The delicious juice also has temperature-regulating properties and is therefore highly recommended if you have a fever.

Cucumber juice against swelling

Cucumber juice against swelling

This vegetable juice helps reduce levels of uric acid, which causes swelling and pain in the joints. If you drink cucumber juice every day, it will nourish the joints, reduce pain and drain uric acid.

This drink is therefore also very helpful for arthritis, asthma and gout.

Cucumber juice promotes hair growth

This juice contains silicon and sulfur, which promote hair growth. A mixture with carrots, lettuce and spinach is particularly recommended!

Better complexion

The green juice is high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which are also found in most beauty creams to nourish the skin. You can also use it to treat eczema, psoriasis, and acne, or other skin conditions.

Against fluid retention

Cucumber juice against fluid retention

This vegetable juice supplies important electrolytes, which balance the  fluid balance of the cells  and prevent the accumulation of fluid in the tissue.

Vitamin K

Cucumber juice also supplies your body with vitamin K and thus prevents nosebleeds, bruises and bleeding gums.

Recommendations for taking cucumber juice

Choose dark green cucumbers that are firm to the touch, preferably organically grown. If the cucumbers are already yellowish at the ends or no longer smooth,  you shouldn’t buy them anymore. By the way, longer cucumbers contain fewer seeds than the short, thicker cucumbers.

Keep the cucumbers in the refrigerator to keep them fresh for a long time. If you do not need the whole cucumber, you should store the rest of the cucumber well wrapped up in the refrigerator and consume it within 1 – 2 days at the latest.

It doesn’t always have to be pure cucumber juice,  you can also combine the cucumber with other ingredients to provide more variety. Cucumber juice with melon balls and fresh mint or basil, for example, is also a delicious, very refreshing drink.

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