Deep Breathing: 7 INCREDIBLE Benefits

Deep breathing in and out has a calming effect, improves digestion and helps with pain, among other things.

Deep Breathing: 7 INCREDIBLE Benefits

The deep breathing  relaxes, soothes and provides a pleasant well-being, especially if you practice this breathing technique regularly.

With this technique, you breathe in deeply, hold your breath briefly, and then exhale even more slowly. The deep breathing , for example, in yoga or  mindfulness  practiced.

Stanford University scientists conducted an interesting study of breathing techniques. The result shows that it has a particularly large number of health benefits.

Mark Krasnow, biochemist and head of the study, found out that certain brain cells of the respiratory center are activated through deep inhalation. With it you can relax your body and mind.

We mostly unconsciously breathe in and out deeply about every 5 minutes, which is also called sighing. This controls a process that is fundamental for the lungs and therefore vital. The type of breath is controlled by the breathing center in the brain (brain stem).

Two neuronal channels ensure that you inhale and exhale deeper from time to time, so that even remote areas of the lungs can be supplied with oxygen.

But it is also a kind of reset button, with which one can discharge tension and emotions. If you are nervous or excited, a simple and very effective method is to take a deep breath.

This technique is very simple and anyone can practice it to take advantage of its many benefits. Then you will find out what you can achieve with it.

1. Deep breathing against stress and nervousness


We are constantly breathing in oxygen unconsciously to supply the cells. When you breathe out, the metabolic end products water and carbon dioxide are excreted. This process is vital.

However, breathing can also be controlled consciously and provide emotional balance. Rhythmic, deep breathing has many advantages.

  • If you are nervous or panic, breathing speeds up automatically and your heart usually begins to race too.
  • The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the release of the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which speeds up the heart rate and breathing.
  • It can  regulate the parasympathetic nervous system to put the body in a relaxed state: the heart and mind calm down.

With this breathing technique, the organism is regularly supplied with sufficient oxygen, so the muscles can also be more relaxed.

2. Eliminate toxins

Much of the pollutant in the body is excreted through breathing.

  • Carbon dioxide, for example, is a natural metabolic end product that is released through respiration.
  • However, if you breathe too quickly, not all pollutants can be excreted satisfactorily.

For this reason, it is advisable to  deliberately inhale and exhale slowly and deeply for 10 minutes at least two to three times a day.

3. Against pain


When in pain, one very often falls into shallow breathing, which is activated by a natural mechanism in the brain when a sudden injury occurs. However, in the case of chronic pain (e.g. arthritis, lupus or fibromyalgia), deep breathing is a great advantage.

Try to hold your breath for a few seconds and then breathe as deeply and calmly as possible.

In this way, endorphins are released which act as natural pain relievers in the body.

4. For better posture

Deep, calm breathing can help you consciously change your posture and get your neck and back in the right position.

When the lungs are filled with air  , the spine is brought into an upright,  harmonious posture. Convince yourself of it!

5. It stimulates the lymphatic system

Lymphatic system 

The lymphatic system is an essential part of the immune system. It consists of a complex network of lymph vessels, tissues, organs and lymph nodes that perform many important functions.

This also includes, for example, the elimination of dead cell debris and other waste materials.

Deep breathing can go a long way in clearing toxins from the body. The lymph fluid can flow better, the organism works more efficiently.

6. Deep breathing protects the heart

It is important to know that in aerobic sports you use fat as an energy source, but in anaerobic activities (training with great effort) you convert glucose into energy in particular.

Anyone who practices deep breathing every day  creates a perfect basis for cardio training. This not only strengthens the cradiovascular system, but also burns fat effectively.

7. Deep breathing for better digestion


The deep breathing also improves digestion.

  • If you regularly supply the body with adequate oxygen, the digestive organs can work more efficiently.
  • This also improves the blood flow to the organs and stimulates the intestinal peristalsis.
  • As mentioned earlier, breathing deeply in and out also regulates the nervous system. In a calm state, digestion can be  relaxed and then efficient. 
  • In addition, you absorb the nutrients much better.

You too can benefit from this simple breathing technique! You will feel a lot better with it.

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