Diet For Chronic Illnesses

Chronic illnesses are troublesome and often complicated, but proper nutrition can be an excellent support in addition to other measures. Discover more about this topic today.

Chronic Illness Diet

Of  chronic disease  occurs when there is a long-term disease that is usually difficult or only partially cured. In many cases, the physiopathology, causes, or at least the solution are unknown.

This does not mean that there are  no treatment options to alleviate symptoms and maintain the quality of life as much as possible. For example, patients often find the right diet themselves, which is an important part of helping to keep the symptoms as low as possible.

The goal of nutrition in these cases is  to keep inflammation, oxidative stress and pain as low as possible. This is why foods with phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals are particularly important. In addition, certain foods also help to reduce inflammatory processes.

Anti-inflammatory foods for chronic diseases

Omega-3 fatty acids, which can be consumed through diet, are of particular interest in this context. They have an anti-inflammatory effect on the organism  and at the same time improve the lipid balance, which can be read, for example, in an article published in the journal Biochemical Society Transactions .

These very healthy fatty acids are found in fatty fish, raw vegetable oils, seeds and avocados, for example. Their consumption must be done regularly to get the desired results and reduce inflammation. 

Salmon and avocado for chronic diseases
Omega-3 fatty acids regulate inflammatory processes in the body.

Pain relieving phytonutrients for chronic diseases

Specific phytonutrients can have very interesting benefits in chronic diseases. These are organic substances that are mainly found in vegetables. 

They are characterized by their ability to reduce inflammatory processes and oxidative stress. This is also evident from a study published in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Celullar Longevity , for example . Phytochemicals can reduce cell damage and consequently prevent aging. 

They also influence various mechanisms that regulate pain and the sensitivity of the nervous system. Because of this, they are especially important when dealing with chronic illnesses. You should therefore incorporate phytonutrients into your diet on a regular basis. 

Beneficial dietary supplements

In many cases, melatonin is recommended as a dietary supplement. This substance regulates the circadian cycle, that is, the wake-sleep rhythm. It also has an antioxidant effect and is said to be very efficient in preventing metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases. Melatonin also relieves chronic pain, for example in fibromyalgia. In this case, however, high dosages must be used. In any case, this must be done under medical supervision.

Probiotics are also very beneficial. Microbiota health is associated with the development of chronic and complex diseases. To minimize the risk of intestinal dysbiosis, you can use dietary supplements with probiotics and prebiotics. This improves the diversity of the intestinal flora and thus also general health.

Gut health in chronic diseases
The composition of the microbiota is fundamental in order to be able to deal better with chronic diseases, especially of the gastrointestinal tract.

Better nutrition to alleviate the symptoms of chronic illness

There is no cure for many chronic diseases. But they can be treated pharmacologically and with other measures, such as an appropriate diet, one can achieve a lot. As mentioned earlier, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant foods are especially important in reducing the perception of pain and cellular damage.

On the other hand, food supplements can also be beneficial. Melatonin and probiotics can reduce the risk of serious discomfort and relieve chronic pain. 

However, it is important to choose the right foods and supplements. Get help from your doctor and a nutritionist who can  specifically address your needs.

Don’t forget that your diet should always be varied and healthy. In addition, regular exercise is of course essential in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. A healthy lifestyle can help you maintain or improve the quality of your life.

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