Egg Shells: 17 Amazing Uses

Egg shells are excellent for cosmetic use. Powdered and mixed with nail polish, this mixture is used to strengthen the fingernails.

Eggshells: 17 Amazing Uses

Eggshells  usually end up in the trash immediately. But did you know that you can still use it in a variety of ways?

Then learn more about this topic.

Interesting facts about eggshells

Egg shells are largely made of calcium carbonate. This substance is also the main component of many antacids (drugs that neutralize stomach acid). A medium-sized eggshell contains approximately 750-800 mg of calcium.

The shell makes up approximately 9-12% of the total weight of an egg. It has pores that allow oxygen to enter and carbon dioxide and moisture to escape.


The color of the eggshell depends on the breed of chicken, although the color of the plumage is not decisive.

Egg shells and their uses

Natural plaster

The eggshell’s thin membrane (the inner film) helps cover small cuts and scratches. In the case of minor injuries, this membrane can be placed on the wound surface.

Better coffee taste

If you cook eggshells with the coffee, it will be less bitter. However, the bowls must be washed well beforehand. Remove them before serving.

Against snails

Mollusks like snails do not crawl over crumbled eggshells. Plants can thus be protected from these annoying pests.

Beat the egg and then use the eggshells

Fertilizer for tomatoes 

Tomatoes love the nutrients in eggshells. Let them dry, chop them up, and mix them in the ground. So the tomato plants will thrive excellently. 

Strong bones

Eggshells can actually be eaten to benefit from the calcium they contain. They are available in powder form. But you can also make the powder yourself. Don’t forget to buy high quality organic chicken eggs, however!

You can mix the eggshell powder in soups, desserts, sauces or salads. This does not change the taste of the food. But your bones benefit from it!

Power for seedlings

If you are planting small plants in the garden, you can mix crushed eggshells into the potting soil, as with tomatoes. Of course, you can also compost them. 

Sharp knives

Chop the eggshells and pour them into an ice cube tray with water. Then pull the knife through the frozen ice cube. That’s how easy it is!

Medicine for dogs

If your dog has diarrhea, you can mix ground eggshells with coffee grounds. Add a small amount to dog food. A curious home remedy for diarrhea! 


Important minerals

Mix an eggshell with a little water and lemon juice and leave in the refrigerator for a few weeks.

Then you can add the mixture to smoothies or fruit juices to supply your body with minerals.


Eggs can be used to make great Christmas or Easter decorations. This is a nice and inexpensive activity, especially with children. Who does not know the traditional “egg blowing”?

Remove leftover food

Crushed eggshells are an excellent way to scrub pots with stuck residue. So use eggshells the next time you wash dishes!

Stronger fingernails

The eggshell also has cosmetic uses. Grind them up and mix some of them into the nail polish to strengthen your nails. 


Wrinkle facial treatment

Freeze eggshell powder in an ice cube mold. After that, you can rub your face with this anti-wrinkle home remedy.

Nourishing mask

Crush the eggshells in a mortar and then mix with an egg white. This is an excellent mask for healthy, firm skin. Once the mask is dry, rinse off with water.

Against skin irritation

Place an egg shell in a container with apple cider vinegar and let it rest for a few days. Rub the reddened or itchy areas with this mixture. A simple old home remedy!

White laundry

If you put the shells of the eggs in a small bag in the washing machine, the laundry should be bright white. This method is also used as a stain remover. Try it yourself!


The bottom half of the egg shell is a perfect shape for candles. Simply put in a wick and fill it with wax. Once the wax is hard, the shell can be removed if desired.

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