Fruit Puree For Babies – Delicious And Healthy

Freshly prepared fruit puree provides many valuable nutrients and tastes great for most babies. Here you can find out how you can prepare fruit puree and what advantages it has. 

Fruit porridge for babies - delicious and healthy

Breast milk is the most important and healthiest food for a baby and should not be replaced. But as soon as you start with complementary foods, you can also feed your baby  fruit puree . It provides important nutrients and tastes delicious. 

Benefits of fruit puree

Fruit ranks second in the food pyramid, along with vegetables. It is fundamental to good health at any age. Fruit pulp  not only provides important vital substances, but also plenty of water (up to 95% depending on the composition).

In addition  , fruit puree contains fiber, which regulates intestinal transit. The digestive system of babies is subject to constant changes, so it must be taken into account that certain fruits compact the consistency of the stool, while other types of fruit have the opposite effect.

Fruit is also characterized by vitamins, minerals and simple carbohydrates,  but usually does not contain fat. Your baby is therefore supplied with a lot of energy through fruit puree.

Fruit pulp also provides  antioxidants and micronutrients, which are important in preventing certain diseases. For example, overweight, obesity, constipation, cancer or cardiovascular diseases can be prevented.

Fruit porridge for babies

Fruit porridge for baby

The following types of fruit are particularly recommended for children under one year: peach, apricot, nispel, apple, banana …

From 12 months

Some paediatricians recommend red fruits from the age of one, others advise against it up to the 15th month, as these often lead to allergies.

From 24 months

Dried fruits are also recommended from the age of 2 years.

How can you prepare a fruit puree?

  • Choose very ripe fruit and wash it well.
  • Then peel and cut into small pieces. Remove pips and stones.
  • Boil or steam the fruit in water.
  • Then process with the stand mixer to a fine paste.
  • Allow the porridge to cool before feeding it to your baby.
  • The porridge doesn’t need sugar,  the fruit is already sweet enough. You shouldn’t get your baby used to sugar, otherwise they could become overweight in the future.
  • You can try different combinations so that your baby can learn different flavors.

Recipes for fruit puree

Recipe 1: fruit puree made from mango and apple

Fruit pulp with mango


  • 1 cup of sliced ​​manganese
  • 1 cup of peeled and sliced ​​apple


  • Clean the fruit well and cut into pieces.
  • Add half a cup of water to the saucepan.
  • Cook the fruit in it for 2 minutes until it is soft.
  • Then puree.
  • Put in a plate, let cool and feed the baby.

Recipe 2: fruit puree made from banana, pear and apple


  • 1/4 apple
  • 1 pear
  • 1/4 banana
  • half a glass of water


  • Peel and cut the fruit.
  • Boil apple and pear in water for 15 minutes and then remove from heat.
  • Then finely process everything together with the banana.

    Seek advice from your pediatrician. If he allows, you can add half a cup of cereal to give your baby more carbohydrates. These recipes are delicious and healthy too! 

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