Garlic Clove Under The Pillow

Sulfur compounds and zinc contained in garlic have a relaxing effect and promote sleep. In addition, they help you to recharge your batteries so that you can cope better with the next day.

Clove of garlic under the pillow

Garlic has been used as a spice in many recipes and as a natural remedy since ancient times. A clove of garlic can be very helpful.

It is a close relative of the onion. The smell is not very pleasant, but because of its properties and taste, garlic is one of the most widely used ingredients in a wide variety of recipes.

Already in ancient times it was used as a spice, insect repellent and to drive away evil spirits.

Different cultures still believe that this can keep negative energy away.

The clove of garlic contains valuable essential nutrients that can be used in a wide variety of natural health-enhancing treatments

Then we will talk about the main benefits and an interesting therapy that  can be very useful for all those who suffer from insomnia.

Read on to learn more about it.

Nutritive properties of garlic


Garlic is very high in calories, 100 g can contain up to 100 kcal. However, since it is only consumed in small amounts, this is not a problem, not even for people who want to lose weight.

The white tuber contains complex carbohydrates and proteins that  improve physical and mental performance.

In addition, garlic contains B-complex vitamins and essential minerals such as sodium, potassium and magnesium.

The most important advantages, however, are due to the  highly concentrated sulfur compounds, especially allicin. 

Main benefits of garlic

While it is not a miracle cure,  the white tuber has numerous benefits and is therefore classified as a “superfood”.

This can alleviate various infections, metabolic disorders and respiratory diseases.

Because garlic is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory,  it is also an excellent remedy for cardiovascular health.


The white tuber can improve the elasticity of the arteries and fight excess cholesterol. Garlic also helps regulate blood pressure.

In addition, it can then improve the blood flow to the body cells  and prevent early signs of aging.

The tuber also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Garlic is also known as a natural antibiotic,  some of which are even better than certain synthetic antibiotics.

In addition, its diuretic properties should be mentioned, because they  can drain away fluids stored in the tissue and relieve swelling.

Those who regularly incorporate garlic into their diet can lose weight more easily than those who never eat the tuber, this has been confirmed in an experiment.

Why put a clove of garlic under the pillow?

Now that you know the general benefits of the white tuber, let’s go into a simple therapy that consists of placing a clove of garlic under the pillow every evening.

This old secret of our grandmothers is  used to promote deep, healthy sleep  and is therefore particularly recommended for people with insomnia.

The sulfur compounds that give garlic its typical, intense smell have a calming effect and promote the quality of sleep.

In ancient cultures, garlic was therefore ascribed protective properties to drive away evil spirits. However, the feeling of security is enhanced by the high concentration of zinc.

It may be difficult to get used to the strong odor at first, but over time this will no longer be a problem and you will sleep quickly and deeply.

In addition, this method has a positive influence on physical performance,  as it allows you to recharge your batteries while you sleep.

In order to use this advantage even better, we recommend eating at least one raw garlic clove in the morning on an empty stomach (alone or with a little lemon).

Natural treatment with garlic for a better sleep


Another interesting way to reap the benefits of the white tuber is to drink a glass of  garlic milk before going to bed, which will help you relax. 

You can easily make these yourself:


  • 1 glass of milk (200 ml)
  • a crushed clove of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)


  • Warm up the milk in a saucepan with the squeezed garlic for three minutes.
  • Then add the honey and drink this mixture.
  • This remedy works best when you drink it half an hour before going to bed.

As you can see, garlic is not only a versatile spice in a variety of recipes,  but also an excellent remedy for better health and deeper sleep.

You can use the white tuber in many ways. Try this old home remedy yourself!

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