Heel Spur – What Can I Do?

To avoid plantar fascitis, it is crucial to prevent obesity, poor posture and the use of improper shoes.

Heel Spur - What Can I Do?

A heel spur often caused excruciating pain in the heels, the inflamed due to calcification at or torn tendons emerge.

There are two types of heel spur :  on the inside (under the heel) and on the outside (at the beginning of the Achilles tendon), the former being more common.

How does a heel spur arise?

Heel spur occurs due to overuse of the plantar fascia (a layer of firm tissue that covers the bones) and subsequent inflammation, also called plantar fascitis.

Small tears then appear on the tendons that are connected to the bone.

The body then deposits calcium in the injured areas with the aim of repairing the broken tissue. As a result, the bone will grow out over time.

There are various reasons for a heel spur: overweight, incorrect posture, excessive exercise, unsuitable footwear and long periods of standing. Some forms of heel spur are congenital.

Inflammation of the plantar fascia can occur in connection with a heel spur or independently of it.

The plantar fascia manifests itself as an intense pain on the surface of the foot, which then extends to the heel.

How is heel spur diagnosed?

Heel spur can be diagnosed through an x-ray. An outgrowth is detected that grows towards the toes and is then between one and five millimeters long.

Not all patients complain of symptoms.

What are the symptoms?

First and foremost, we will tell you about symptoms that result from inflammation when the tendons are stressed too much.

The pain often occurs in the morning as we take the first steps. Often times we feel like we are stepping on a nail with our heel.

The pain usually goes away when we relax, but it comes back as soon as the foot is put under strain.

Carrying heavy things usually increases the pain.


  • The use of orthopedic insoles (especially for a heel spur)  improves the support of the foot and also relieves the tension on the tendons.
  • Physiotherapy:  we can relieve the pain by using heat and cold therapies.
  • Stretching exercises.
  • Local treatment with ultrasound.
  • Shock wave therapy: the ultrasonic waves  can then dissolve the calcifications.
  • Taking pain relievers to treat localized pain.
  • An operation occurs when no further treatment is helpful.

    Natural Remedies for Relief of Heel Spur Symptoms

    • Verbena: Boil  a handful of the leaves in water for fifteen minutes. Use it to moisten a compress and then place it on the painful area.
    • Wormwood:  then place moistened compresses on the affected areas.
    • Glass herb: Boil  a handful of the leaves in water for fifteen minutes and then place the moistened compress on the painful areas.
    • Coneflower:  has anti-inflammatory properties. Boil one spoonful of the dried plant per cup of water and then drink one cup per day.


    Of course, it is best to avoid the causes so that heel spurs do not develop in the first place. As already mentioned, overweight, excessive strain or unsuitable footwear can trigger this disease.

    A balanced diet is also important. This should include the following:

    Foods that are rich in magnesium, silicon and zinc. This is how muscles and tendons stay healthy.

    • Magnesium
      molluscs, lettuce, spinach, asparagus, cereals, legumes, nuts, etc. are good mineral sources.
    • Silicon
      whole grain oat flour, parsley, nettle (it’s best to ask a specialist about this), sugar beet, green beans.
    • Zinc
      Peanuts, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds, sesame butter and sesame flour, wheat bran, oysters.
    • Omega-3 acids help with inflammation.
      These are found in fish, fish oil, linseed oil, rapeseed oil and nuts.
      Also in vegetables and fruits such as cucumber, strawberries, spinach, soy, nuts, almonds and lettuce.

      Recommended fruits

      Two fruits that are particularly recommended are pineapple and papaya. Thanks to their excellent composition, they have many anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to eat them together so that the effects are even more intense.

      A healthy and balanced diet is of the utmost importance and helps us to prevent ailments and diseases – such as heel spurs.

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