How To Avoid Wrinkles In The Mouth Area

Find out with the help of this article how to avoid wrinkles in the mouth area.

How to avoid wrinkles in the mouth area

The lips are surrounded by very sensitive skin, similar to the eyes. This is the reason why more wrinkles and lines appear in these areas than elsewhere on the face.

Use this article to find out how to avoid wrinkles around the mouth.

Wrinkles around the lips

Facial wrinkles

When the first changes appear above the lips, one often speaks of the “barcode”. The lines that form around the mouth then have a variety of causes:

  • Extreme tension and worries that make our lips pucker up
  • Frequent wetting of the lips with the tongue 
  • Bad habits in skin care
  • Lack of moisture
  • Not enough vitamins and minerals in the diet
  • Not enough antioxidants in the diet
  • Long stays in the sun, in the cold or in the wind with unprotected skin
  • Lack of exercise of the lip muscles
  • Circulatory problems in this area
  • Drinking with a straw and smoking (drawing the lips together)

How can the wrinkles in the mouth area be smoothed?

If the first lines are already appearing on the side of the mouth and you feel older as a result, it is advisable to combat the causes first and then follow the advice below.

If your lips are not wrinkled yet, you should pay close attention to the possible causes and listen to the following recommendations (which also help with dry and chapped lips).

Training with the mouth

Excuse me, should you train your mouth? You don’t need science for that. You can easily do the exercises at home (or in the office, however you like). By practicing regularly, you can then strengthen your muscles and improve blood circulation.

Open your mouth a little as if to say “O” or yawn. Then open it a little wider, as if to say an “A”. At “O” you start, at “A” you arrive. Now switch between the two positions without closing your lips.

You will feel a bit of tension as you do this because you are not used to training, but this is normal. If your lips are very dry, apply a few drops of almond oil before starting the exercise – you will notice the difference.


Pay attention to the position of your lips when doing normal activities: at work, at university, at home, while watching TV, reading, or talking to your girlfriend.

Often we don’t even notice we’re pressing our lips together, especially when we’re angry, tense, or nervous. If you catch yourself curling your lips or doing any other movement that can lead to wrinkling, relax your lips immediately.

Essential oils


Similar to the example of almond oil already mentioned, there are many interesting alternatives that can help you achieve healthy and wrinkle-free lips. When bathing, the pores open due to the warm water, use this to apply nut oil, for example.

You can also dampen a towel with a little hot water and then use it to gently massage your mouth.

But keep in mind that this skin area is very sensitive and you can get burned quickly. Choose essential oils that are high in vitamin E to help fight fine lines.


There are many ways to care for and nourish the skin around the mouth to prevent wrinkles and lines from appearing. We give you a few recipes:

Recipe 1


  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • a teaspoon of yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar


Mix the three ingredients together, then rub the cream over your lips in circular motions. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Recipe 2


  • 3 teaspoons of beeswax
  • 5 drops of apricot oil
  • 5 drops of camphor oil


    Mix the ingredients well, then apply the cream around your lips. Not only does it help you smooth out fine lines, but it also helps moisturize dry and chapped lips.



    Creams provide moisture and are excellent against wrinkles. A good choice is the combination of aloe vera and rose hip. Both ingredients are easily available, so you can easily make the cream yourself at home.


    • 1 aloe vera leaf
    • a handful of rose hip flowers
    • 1 cup of water


    Warm the water with the rose hip flowers. At the same time, remove the gel from the aloe vera. Let the tea cool, then pour it off. Now mix some tea with the aloe gel and apply it to your lips. Use this recipe sparingly, otherwise you could get exactly the opposite effect.


    Of course, a healthy diet for beautiful skin in general should not be missing. Juices and fresh salads, perfect for this time of year, do wonders for your internal and external health. Foods that should definitely not be missing from your eating plan are:

    • avocado
    • alfalfa
    • sesame
    • carrot
    • broccoli
    • lemon
    • Guava
    • tomato

    All of these foods contain the antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin E, as well as enzymes that are needed for firm, young skin.

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