In Order To Be Happy You Have To Part With Some People

It is advisable to part with those who prevent us from growing and who do not make us happy, those who keep us with their worries and problems burden that do not affect us at all

To be happy, you have to part with some people

Keeping away from certain people improves our mental and physical health. You can even go further and say that in order to be happy, we need to distance ourselves from conflicts with other people .

Those conflicts cost us a lot of energy and let our life not enjoy as it is necessary to happy to be.

In order to feel good, to be free, we have to part with everything that breaks us emotionally. 

We need to let go of the instability and insecurity that those people create in us. And also from those who limit our emotional capacities and distort our feelings.

The first step to our happiness, therefore, is to recognize these people, to think about those who we thought we knew when in reality they don’t.

If we reflect on our surroundings, we can find out who is using us for their own needs, who is judging us, who is poisoning us.

What the others think is their reality, not yours


In this context, we must be aware that we meet some people in our lives who neither value our ideas , nor our feelings.

Sometimes such encounters make us feel like puppets of the bad humor of others. We feel like a target who has to endure the frustration of internal and external conflicts.

It is likely that such people “neither live nor let live” and therefore inhibit our personal development. It also slows their own progress and makes it impossible to develop a healthy relationship with them.

Typically today, toxic people are caught in a spiral of their own problems that drifts on and on as they keep creating new problems themselves .

It is difficult for them to free themselves from this stream and if so, then it takes great effort and a deliberate process of becoming conscious.

Gain emotional distance to be happy

Lucky bird

It is not always possible for us to physically distance ourselves from these people. It is more difficult, for example, when we have to work with them or the toxic relationship runs in the family.

What makes the real difference is not the physical distance, but the emotional one. We have to work to strengthen ourselves in such a way that the behavior of these people no longer reaches our inner being. How can we do that?

Take advantage of foresight


You probably know what triggers are causing the person’s toxic behavior. Use this knowledge to protect yourself.

At some point you can’t let things get away with it anymore

If you know that certain comments are not useful to anyone but are only intended to hurt others, then do not give any more credit for them.

In order to implement this, we would like to introduce you to a classic teaching by Socrates, which should help you to filter both your own statements and those of others.

The young student of a wise philosopher comes into his house and tells him: “Master, a friend spoke badly of you.” “Wait a minute”, the philosopher interrupts, “Have you already passed what you want to tell me through the three filters ?”

“The three filters?” Asks the student. “Yes. The first is the truth. Are you sure that what you want to tell me is the truth? ” “No, I heard a few neighbors talking about it.”

At least you will have applied the second filter, the good intention. What you want to tell me is of any use to anyone? ” The student doubts: “No, not really. But on the contrary…”

“Ah, there it is. The final filter is the need. Is it necessary for me to find out what worries you so much? ” “If I’m honest, no.”

“Then,” the philosopher concludes, “if it is not true, has not been said with good intent and is not necessary, it is best to forget about it.

Adjust your expectations if necessary

Sometimes we expect so much from others that we can no longer accept reality at all. In this context, we should think again carefully about those from whom we often expect a lot and who permanently disappoint us.

But we should also review our expectations. Perhaps they are exaggerated, selfish, or poisoned by a problem of their own?

Are our expectations not met by many or by individual people? What do the data subjects expect from us? Is there a balance here ?

Once you are able to filter out inappropriate behavior, you can return your attention to your growth.

You do n’t have to waste your strength in a poisoned environment; instead, you can use it to become happy.


Maintain correct perspective to achieve indifference


When you begin to realize that you can step off the emotional roller coaster, separate your own problems from those of the toxic people around you, then you have come a long way on the path to happiness.

Free yourself from the insecurity, from your negative feelings, that the conflicts with these people have created in you. Your mind will be noticeably freer and more alive and you will be better able to communicate your own feelings, fears and hopes.

This effort is quickly rewarded. Once we realize that we no longer need certain people in our life, we can pursue our own happiness. Life is too short to be burdened with unnecessary conflict.

Dedicate your love to those who make you feel positive and feel good. The rest didn’t deserve it.

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