New Therapy Against Migraines

The DAO enzyme is responsible for the synthesis and excretion of hystamine, which produces migraines. The deficiency in these enzymes is often hereditary.

New therapy for migraines

Migraine is an uncomfortable and very common disease. As can be seen from statistics, women are predominantly affected by this. There is a new  therapy for migraines.

Scientists are constantly looking for new treatments to relieve the excruciating pain that migraines cause.

A study by the Spanish Society for DAO Deficits and the General Hospital of Catalonia found that migraines can be caused by a deficit of an enzyme.

It is a natural ingredient that can easily be taken before meals to prevent migraines. Would you like to find out more about this active ingredient and the new therapy for migraines ? Then read this post.

Therapy against migraines and the DAO enzyme

The results of this study were presented at the last International Pharmaceutical Congress held in Barcelona, ​​the perfect setting to showcase the direct relationship between the DAO enzyme and migraines.

Research director Joan Izquierdo Casas mentioned that all migraineurs suffer from a deficit of this enzyme.

The study was endorsed by numerous organizations and was carried out over a period of one and a half years on over 100 migraineurs who had between 9 and 14 migraine episodes per month.

The usual percentage was also observed: 81% were women and 19% were men.

It was a double-blind study, meaning that neither the patients nor the doctors knew which group was given the enzyme and which people only received a placebo.

The results were clear: migraines are linked to a DAO enzyme deficiency. Hereditary factors are also involved, because this disease is usually passed on from parents to their children.

How does the DAO enzyme work?

This enzyme plays a major role in the breakdown and synthesis of histamine. Histamine is found in many foods, especially citrus fruits and dairy products. Once the histamine is destroyed, it can be excreted in the urine.

But what happens to migraineurs? Since they do not have sufficient DAO enzymes, the histamine cannot be broken down in this way. It therefore accumulates in the blood plasma and causes migraines and stomach upsets.

What could this new therapy for migraines look like?

The treatment would be very simple: it would be sufficient to take a capsule with DAO enzymes before the main meals. In this way, the digestive function can be carried out properly and the histamine contained in the food can be broken down and synthesized correctly.

The experts point out that the enzyme is not addictive nor does it cause any side effects, it is a dietary supplement that is essential for good digestion. So easy.

How does the DAO enzyme work?

Taking DAO capsules enables the histamine metabolism to be regulated and then the accumulation of excess histamine in the small intestine to be prevented.  Histamine is then excreted from the small intestine during normal functioning.

Taking a dietary supplement containing DAO enzymes can prevent histamine from entering the bloodstream and causing migraines or digestive problems.


You can then take 1 – 2 capsules with a little water 20 – 30 minutes before meals. The dose is the same for all adults and is then precisely stated on the product description. Depending on where you live, DAO capsules are available from pharmacies or health food stores.

As I said, it is a dietary supplement for better digestion and elimination of histamine.


  • The DAO enzyme capsules contain neither lactose nor gluten.
  • They can also be taken by diabetics.
  • It is not a drug, but a natural treatment with no side effects.

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