Organism Cleansing With Oil Rinses

Detoxification can lead to temporary symptoms such as pimples or headaches. After oil pulling, the oil contains pollutants, parasites and bacteria, so it must not be swallowed.

Organism cleansing with oil rinses

Our body is continuously exposed to toxins that depend on different factors that are completely independent of each other. Poor diet, heavy air pollution, stress, negative emotions, drugs, excesses, constant sitting, etc. Oil flushing can help.

These toxins should be eliminated naturally (be it through bowel movements, sweat, breathing, etc.) on a regular basis. This can also be done using therapies.

If we got used to doing this every now and then, we would help our body by fighting chronic illnesses as well as preventing more serious illnesses.

A simple but strange and cheap way to detoxify our bodies is by using oral oil rinses .

These are particularly suitable if there are mouth problems, whereby it should be noted that the different parts of the body are connected. This means that with the mouthwash we detoxify the whole body.

This is a technique that belongs to Ayurveda (ancient Indian healing art), which is appropriate for the following ailments, among others.

Headaches, migraines, nasal discharge, sinus infections, asthma, skin problems, allergies, mouth infections, gum problems, dental plaque, gingivitis, darkened teeth, weak teeth.

What do you need for oil flushing?


How are the oil flushes done?

Every morning, before breakfast, before eating, drinking, even before brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with a tablespoon of sunflower oil or sesame oil for 15 to 20 minutes, do not gargle.

You can move your jaw or tongue to draw the oil into different areas of the mouth (under the tongue or throat).

After a while, the oil will become thinner and frothy, then you can spit it out. The oil should have a whitish tone, if it is still yellowish, then the mouth has to be rinsed a little longer.

Then rinse her mouth thoroughly with water and, if you see fit, brush your teeth. It would be best if you had a glass or two of water afterward to help cleanse.


It is very important, not to swallow and spit out the oil, because it contains all the toxins, bacteria and parasites that were removed from the mouth and digestive tract during the flushing process.

At the beginning we can feel a slight healing crisis as our body manifests the cleansing (pimples, headaches and other symptoms appear). In any case, this inconvenience is minor and then only lasts for a few days.

However, if these are severe or last longer, you can reduce the time or frequency of flushing.

Before you carry out a disintoxication, however, you should consult a therapist or a specialist in naturopathy who will adapt the therapy to your state of health.

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