Reducing Skin Spots Through Hyperpigmentation: 3 Treatment Methods

Even if the skin spots caused by hyperpigmentation can sometimes only be completely removed by professional treatment, thanks to some natural remedies it is possible for us to reduce their appearance.

Reducing skin spots from hyperpigmentation: 3 treatments

Sometimes we are not fully aware of the effects of the sun on our skin. However, it is very clear that their impact on the skin will grow stronger over time. Hyperpigmentation spots on the skin are a consequence of the sun’s rays on our skin. For some people, they become a veritable beauty problem that suffers from self-esteem.

What exactly is hyperpigmentation?

The formation of brown spots on the skin due to hyperpigmentation is the most well-known sign. Usually the unsightly spots are noticeable on the face.

Aside from exposure to the sun, hormonal imbalances – especially during pregnancy – can also be a trigger.

By the way, women suffer from hyperpigmentation spots on the skin more often than men, and the spots are more noticeable in people with lighter complexions.
Nowadays there are creams, laser therapies and scrubs, among other things, to even out the skin spots caused by hyperpigmentation.

3 treatments to even out skin spots caused by hyperpigmentation

1. Treatment with prescription drugs

Most often, drugs are prescribed first to treat hyperpigmentation.  The dermatologist will usually prescribe a face cream that will reduce skin spots.

These medicines usually contain an active substance called hydroquinone. It is also available in gel or lotion form.

Hydroquinone can reduce skin marks by blocking a chemical process that causes melanin. By the way, melanin is the substance that turns our skin dark.

How do you reduce skin spots caused by hyperpigmentation?

Other active ingredients that are used to lighten skin spots:

  • Tetrinoin
  • Azelaic acid
  • Retinoic acid
  • Corticosteroids

2. Professional treatment

Professional treatments, while often having the greatest effect, are also usually the most invasive to the skin. They are generally seen as the last resort as they are usually quite expensive.

The most popular treatments include chemical peel, microdermabrasion, dermabrasion, and laser treatment.

  • Chemical peeling: This procedure aims to renew the upper layers of the skin that  have been attacked by hyperpigmentation.

To do this, a chemical substance (such as glycolic acid) is applied to the skin. This causes a slight burn. As the damaged skin layer falls off, new, blemish-free skin appears underneath.

  • Microdermabrasion and dermabrasion. In these treatments, the top layers of the skin are removed to make room for skin that is free of spots.

Microdermabrasion is a type of peeling that is done with diamond crystals  to remove dead skin cells.

By the way, both methods consist of several sessions  (usually 5) that are held every 2 or 4 weeks. The doctor will give the appropriate instructions for this.

  • Laser treatments. This type of treatment also removes damaged layers of the skin. It is usually the most effective way to remove hyperpigmentation spots, but it is also the most expensive.

The treatment goal is usually achieved within 4 to 6 sessions. The skin spots are greatly reduced  and sometimes even removed completely.

3. Natural Remedies

However, there are also various home remedies that are highly recommended. They use natural ingredients that lighten our skin.

Natural remedies

Egg white and ichthyol cream 


  • 1 egg white
  • 4 drops of ichthyol ointment


  •  First mix the two ingredients together well, then apply them to the affected area of ​​the skin in the morning and evening.

Mask au honey and lemon


  • 3 spoons of milk (45 ml)
  • 4 spoons of honey (100 g)
  • 2 spoons of lemon juice (30 ml)


  • Mix all of the ingredients first, then apply the mask on your face.
  • Let it work for about 20 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.
  • Repeat this application two to three times a week to reduce skin spots.

We remind you that while these treatments reduce the appearance of skin spots caused by hyperpigmentation, they do not eliminate the cause.

In order for the treatment to work effectively and for a long time, you should also look for a treatment that restores your hormonal balance. This will prevent new stains from appearing.

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