Risks Of Activated Charcoal For Oral Health

There are a large number of videos in circulation in which activated charcoal is touted as a miracle cure for teeth whitening. But this information is not all wrong. They also conceal the not inconsiderable risks of activated carbon, as the President of the Spanish Dental Association emphasizes.

Risks of activated charcoal for oral health

Lately, numerous videos and posts from various influencers have appeared promoting the supposedly beneficial properties of activated charcoal for teeth whitening. Yet there are several dentists who clearly refute this information. This also includes the President of the Spanish Dental Association, Oscar Castro Reino. He also points out the considerable risks of activated charcoal.

For example, regarding claims that activated charcoal whiten teeth, Castro Reino made it clear: These claims are false and there are serious risks from activated charcoal to oral health. He also emphasized the importance of always seeking advice and information from the appropriate oral health experts and not simply believing the often unfounded information that circulates on social networks.

Castro Reino also added that activated carbon is a highly abrasive substance and that it can cause serious damage to teeth. He pointed out that it was basically like sanding your teeth. And worst of all, the activated charcoal doesn’t even serve to make teeth really whiter.

Activated charcoal and risks of activated charcoal

The President of the Spanish Dental Association also stated that activated carbon is a substance obtained through a chemical process using coconut shells. This material is extremely aggressive. So when it is applied to the teeth, it can abrade the tooth enamel considerably.

Such enamel wear carries great risks. The first danger is that the nerves will lose their normal protection. This leads to an increased sensitivity of the teeth. In addition, activated charcoal is so aggressive that it can also damage the gums.

The biggest contradiction in the whole matter is this: if you rub activated charcoal on your teeth, the enamel is removed. As a result, a layer known as dentin is exposed. This is more yellowish in color than natural tooth enamel. This means that in the end there are not only risks to oral health, but also that you will not achieve the desired lightening effect.

Black toothbrush with black toothpaste

What about the examples you see in the videos?

There are many videos of influencers , in which the famous effect of “before – after” is shown. The viewer initially sees yellowish teeth. Activated charcoal is applied to this and after rinsing it looks as if the teeth have gained an incredibly white color.

But what really happens to these images is a very simple optical effect. Because with the activated charcoal applied, the teeth naturally look completely black. After rinsing, the contrast with the previous picture makes the teeth suddenly look much whiter, even if they haven’t gotten any lighter at all.

For Oscar Castro Reino it is clear that the information given in the said videos is completely wrong. But the audience still gets the impression that the product is actually effective. This is exactly where the danger of such posts found on the Internet lies: They represent misleading evidence that creates a feeling of credibility.

The color of the teeth

Castro Reino also emphasized the fact that the teeth are not actually white. Rather, its natural hue is more like a kind of ivory. On the one hand, genetic factors can also cause this natural color to change. On the other hand, this can also be due to the consumption of certain substances such as tea, coffee or tobacco.

So not having ultra-white teeth does not mean that there is a problem with oral hygiene, let alone that someone has a defect. It’s just perfectly normal. Castro Reino places particular emphasis on the fact that oral health matters and not on deceptive aesthetic effects, which are also dangerous.

In general , it is advisable to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride. You should also go to your dentist for regular checkups and of course follow their instructions. Because this is the ideal specialist for the application of procedures for a possible whitening of your teeth.

Woman with light and yellowish teeth

Because of the risks of activated charcoal: Please do not use for teeth whitening

Let it be said once again very clearly: every treatment that has to be carried out on your teeth is the responsibility of an appropriate oral health professional. So from your dentist. You should not let yourself be influenced by what the influencers have to say about it, or by other information that you find on websites that are not from specialist staff.

Only your dentist is the qualified person to deal with oral health issues. So only they should do something like teeth whitening. Because they will first examine and assess the oral health of each patient before such a treatment.

This is absolutely necessary because there are certain factors that make teeth whitening risky. These include, for example, gum problems, tooth decay or other abnormalities.

If teeth whitening is actually carried out, it must be planned accordingly. It must be carefully monitored so that there are no undesirable consequences. The patient must of course also be informed about the possible side effects and risks of such treatment.

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