Studies Prove: Dairy Products Do Not Prevent The Loss Of Bone Mass

Time and again we hear how important dairy products are for bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis. However, the direct relationship could not be proven in scientific studies. However, researchers have found that vitamin D plays an important role in bone health. 

Studies show: dairy products do not prevent the loss of bone mass

Dairy products  are traditionally associated with healthy bones and are believed by many to be essential in preventing osteoporosis or other bone diseases. However, this could not be proven in scientific studies.

Although dairy products are rich in calcium,  other factors are also fundamental in this context, for example exercise and vitamin D. They are particularly important when preventing osteoporosis.

Menopausal women in particular suffer from bone loss. This chronic condition affects bone quality and leads to frequent bone fractures. To prevent demineralization, it is very important to store sufficient calcium early on.

Dairy products are not the best source of calcium

Many still believe that dairy products are so important that they contain the most calcium. However, this is not the truth, as there are other foods that provide more calcium. These include, for example, green-leaved vegetables. However, these vegetables should be consumed in moderation as they contain phytic acid or fiber, which can reduce the bioavailability of calcium.

However, an article  published in Nutrition Research Reviews suggests that there is currently insufficient evidence that there is an association between high consumption of dairy products and lower bone mass loss. 

However, there are various indications that regular milk consumption could reduce the risk of broken bones. However  , the scientific evidence is insufficient for this.

Dairy products are not the best source of calcium 
Osteoporosis is the loss of bone mass. This very often happens after menopause.

Vitamin D helps prevent bone mass loss

A balanced vitamin D level is particularly important in preventing osteoporosis  . This vital substance stimulates the absorption and fixation of calcium in the bones. This can reduce the risk of fractures, which is also confirmed in a study published in the journal Osteoporosis International .

To ensure optimal vitamin D levels,  it is important to soak up the sun every day. With it you can boost the endogenous synthesis of this vitamin and reduce the medium and long-term risk of various diseases.

You can also find vitamin D in various foods,  but the selection is not very large. Acceptable amounts include oily fish, eggs, and fortified dairy products. Different types of mushrooms also provide vitamin D.

Sport as a preventive measure against osteoporosis

Not to be forgotten is the importance of regular sporting activities. This can help you improve muscle mass and bone density. Sport can reduce the risk of bone fractures in the medium and long term and is therefore a very important protective factor against osteoporosis.

The combination of a healthy diet with regular exercise is therefore very important to prevent osteoporosis. However, these healthy habits must be implemented at an early stage, not only during menopause or when symptoms are already present.

Dairy products and exercise against osteoporosis?
Exercise and sun exposure are very important in preventing osteoporosis.

Dairy products are not the best solution to bone loss

It is true that dairy products provide nutrients that  are beneficial to the organism. For example, yogurt contains probiotics, which promote intestinal health. However, dairy products have no particular advantages over other alternatives when it comes to preventing bone loss.

However, vitamin D is important, as it enables calcium to be absorbed and fixed in the bones and thus reduces the risk of bone loss.

It is a vitamin that is easily synthesized through exposure to the sun, but which is still often deficient. It is therefore recommended that you also take vitamin D through your diet. In some cases, the doctor may also prescribe a vitamin D supplement.

On the other hand, physical activity is very important to counteract the loss of bone mass. Regular exercise reduces the risk of fractures in women who have passed the menopause. 

Have you already been exercising in the fresh air and eating healthy today? A combination of all of these recommendations is the best prevention against bone disease.

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