Superficial Burns: First Aid

Small accidents at home can lead to superficial burns. We can usually provide home treatment without the need for professional health care.

Superficial burns: first aid

Almost all of us have suffered superficial burns on our body at some point . The cause is often small accidents in your own home. These often occur in the kitchen, such as accidentally touching a hot pan or splashing boiling oil.

The burns can also be the result of an unprotected afternoon in the sun or contact with various objects such as an iron or an exhaust pipe. These burns are usually very easy to treat at home and do not require medical attention. 

However, it is important to learn to distinguish light burns from deeper burns. When it comes to superficial burns, there are some topical remedies that can be very useful in relieving the burning sensation and the pain it causes.

What are superficial burns?

Different degrees of burns

Burn on hand

The burns are basically classified according to the degree of their damage to the skin. Accordingly, there are first, second and third degree burns. So, of course, the treatment varies according to the severity of the burn.

  • The majority of domestic burns can be classified as first-degree burns. This means that the lesion is only superficial and only the outer layer of the skin is affected.
  • Some burns can be second degree, but only if the second layer (or dermis) is affected in addition to the first layer of skin (or epidermis).
  • The burns assigned to the third degree also affect the layer of fat under the skin and are generally more severe. They can affect nerves and make you feel numb. Their causes include injuries from heat sources such as fire, electricity, or chemicals.

The superficial burns usually cause redness and pain. The skin can also look puffy and blister on the fingers or other affected parts of the body.

There are, of course, some basic home precautions that should be taken if minor burns occur. For example, there are some remedies that can help relieve the burning sensation, pain, and swelling.

Superficial burns: first aid

First degree burns

The first thing to do when a superficial burn occurs is to cool the skin. You should use cold water for this, but not extremely chilled water and under no circumstances ice. The extreme cold can damage the skin even more. It is best to hold the injured skin under running water for a few minutes.

Once it can be confirmed that the lesion is only superficial, you can gently wash the area with soap and water to clean it well. If bubbles form, it is very important not to let them burst. 

Always keep in mind that an open bladder can easily become inflamed, which would make the injury much more difficult. The injured skin should also not be covered with fibrous bandages, as these can stick to the burn.

The classic, well-known home remedies for burns such as butter, toothpaste, oil or egg white are not always recommended. It is better to use special creams for burns, of which there are many different options on the market.

If the pain from the burn persists, over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can also be taken for relief. With a quick response at the time of the burn, the pain and consequences can be effectively controlled.

Aloe vera cream against superficial burns

Aloe Vera to help with burns

The aloe vera has wonderful properties for relieving irritation, swelling and pain. It also has an antibacterial effect. It is a natural, safe, and effective option for treating minor burn discomfort.

Marigold ointment

The marigold ointment is also a very effective and natural way to relieve irritation and swelling caused by burns. It contains neither artificial colors nor perfumes.

Healing cream against superficial burns

healing cream for the skin soothing and one of the bestsellers for superficial burns. This is an ointment that does not cause stinging or other discomfort, soothes the skin and helps it to regenerate.

Typically , these creams are made with essential oils and other ingredients that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and skin regenerating effects. The effect on the dermis is extremely positive.

Last but not least, it is important to note that in the event of a severe burn, you should always be treated by a healthcare professional. These people are best placed to assess the degree of burn and the most appropriate treatment for each.

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