The 6 Best Anti-aging Fruits

Avocados are excellent against fluid retention and contain valuable proteins and vitamin E. That is why they help prevent wrinkling.

The 6 best anti aging fruits

The daily consumption of fruit provides our organism with the necessary vitamins and minerals. There are various anti-aging fruits that stand out for having very powerful antioxidants.

In this post you will learn more about these anti-aging fruits so that you can benefit from the positive properties every day and keep yourself young from the outside and inside.

These anti-aging fruits will improve your well-being and give you vitality and a radiant appearance every day.

Anti-aging fruits: cranberries

In general, red fruits make an important contribution to our health, cranberries are particularly characterized by their strong anti-aging effect, which can contribute both to a beautiful appearance and to general health.

Cranberries contain beta-carotene and anthocyanins, which work against free radicals,  which are responsible for the aging of the skin and the body.

This fruit is also rich in vitamins A and C and also contains vitamin B, albeit in smaller quantities. Calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium can also be found in cranberries.

The main health benefits of this berry are:

  • Cranberries contribute to the good functioning of the brain and also strengthen the memory.
  • They have a preventive and healing effect on urinary tract infections.
  • They improve eyesight, especially when there are difficulties with night vision.
  • Cranberries have a laxative effect when eaten very ripe.
  • These berries also have a cleansing effect.
  • They keep the skin firm and young by protecting the collagen and strengthening the tissue. Many cosmetics contain the active ingredients of this berry.



    This fruit is a gift from nature. Even if it is still exotic in some countries, it is becoming easier and easier to find in fruit shops and supermarkets.

    The following medicinal properties should be emphasized:

    • Papaya has an alkalizing effect on our organism and is therefore ideal for reducing acid formation, which can cause diseases and aging of the body.
    • Good for constipation.
    • Prepares the skin for sunbathing and then helps to achieve a better tan.
    • Improves and prevents skin spots and eczema.
    • Papaya has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, which is very important for good health, as most chronic diseases are associated with inflammation and / or pain.
    • The seeds help to eliminate intestinal parasites, which are more common than you think.
    • Strengthens the immune system.
    • It is an extremely important food for intestinal problems such as ulcers, colitis, irritable bowel and gastroenteritis etc. The digestive system must be healthy in order to guarantee a good quality of life and to prevent premature aging.


    You have probably heard of the anti-aging effects of wine, but actually it is the grapes that contain the health-promoting ingredients, alcohol is not necessary.

    The main active ingredient is resveratrol, a molecule that prevents cell aging and promotes general health. 

    Resveratrol also prevents metabolic diseases, inflammation and cardiovascular diseases.

    To take advantage of these benefits, you can drink freshly squeezed grape juice (with the peel and seeds). 

    grape juice


    The avocado is also one of the fruits, it is extremely nutritious and complete. The core of this fruit can also be eaten or processed into beauty products such as face or hair masks.

    The avocado is rich in proteins and healthy fats, which nourish the skin and the body in general.

    This fruit also contains a lot of vitamin E and can therefore prevent the formation of wrinkles.

    Avocado also works well against fluid retention and cardiovascular diseases.


    One hears more and more about this exotic fruit and its health-promoting properties. Among other things, it helps in the following cases:

    • It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
    • Mangosteen gives strength and vitality.
    • Mangosteen also helps with weight loss.
    • This fruit also prevents cardiovascular diseases.
    • It contains a large amount of catechins and has a strong antioxidant effect.
    • When used externally, the mangosteen fruit helps against eczema, dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, etc.
    • It protects the kidneys.
    • Mangosteen improves digestive function.
    • It contains tryptophan, an active ingredient that puts you in a good mood and is therefore recommended for people with depression.
    • Mangosteen also strengthens the immune system.

    So there are ample reasons to consume this fruit regularly. In those countries where this fruit is difficult to obtain, it can be bought as a juice in health food stores and natural food stores.



    Pomegranates are rich in polyphenols and have a strong antioxidant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. 

    This fruit is also high in potassium, as well as magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. Vitamins C, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and niacin can also be found in the pomegranate.

    The antioxidant active ingredients reduce the oxidative stress of the organism,  consequently various diseases can be prevented (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, anemia, increased uric acid levels, etc.) and the general health of the skin cells can be improved.

    Images provided by docqman, Titti Nguyen Ho and DailyM

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