The Female Heart Beats Differently! 6 Things Women Should Know

Here you can find out six important things about female heart health

The female heart beats differently!  6 things women should know

Nothing works without our hearts, but unfortunately we women pay far too little attention in everyday life to behave in a healthy manner. Did you know that the  female heart beats differently?

We eat too much, we don’t move enough, we expose ourselves to too much stress and do everything we can to ensure that our heart does not have an easy life. And few of us know that the female heart is different, so inform yourself and do good for your heart!

The female heart: women get sick 10 years later

First, the best news: On average, women develop heart disease around 10 years later than men!

This is because women, unlike men, respect themselves a little more, exercise more on average, eat more healthily and know more about themselves and their health.

That means: If you observe the occurrence of the first heart problems in men of the same age in your circle of friends, this should not stress you, statistically speaking you are far from sick! And if you are lucky and take care of your heart, you will never even have a heart condition!


Women play down more

Many of us are familiar with the fact that men turn into a big whimper with a small, harmless cold. However, the fact that we women show strength far too often, clench our teeth and endure pain and discomfort is not always good for our health.

As a result, women often procrastinate diseases that would be more mild if diagnosed earlier. Take care of yourself and go to the doctor in time if you are not feeling well!


The female heart: women show different symptoms!

35% of all heart attacks go undetected in women . They are called “silent heart attacks”. Make sure that neither you nor your girlfriends belong to it and learn to recognize the symptoms typical for women and to interpret them correctly in combination!

A typical symptom of a heart attack in women is nausea. Men do not show this symptom.

So if you or a woman around you who complains of nausea and abdominal pain, notice any of the other symptoms mentioned here, please call the emergency number immediately, because life is in danger!

Nausea does not always mean that a gastrointestinal infection or food poisoning is behind it!

Women in particular tend to be very scared when they have a heart attack. This makes the skin pale and cold and cold sweats can occur. The combination of some of these symptoms can certainly lead you to a diagnosis of “heart attack”!

If a woman is extremely exhausted and inexplicably tired for no reason, a heart attack should always be suspected. Women tend to suffer more diffuse symptoms than men, which is why particular attention should be paid to such “mild” complaints.

If several such “ailments” occur together, a heart attack should definitely be ruled out by a medical examination: off to the emergency room!

An upset stomach for no reason, stomach pinching without having eaten “wrong” and the combination with other of the symptoms mentioned here is dangerous

Nausea, shortness of breath, anxiety or sweat, tiredness and exhaustion for which there are no obvious reasons are always alarm signs for a heart attack. The patient should be taken to the hospital immediately to rule out a heart attack!


The female heart: Women create heart problems for themselves through fear

First of all, fear is not something pathological. Fear protects us from unnecessarily exposing ourselves to danger and endangering our lives.

Anxiety and anxiety affect your entire organism. The heartbeat becomes faster, the blood pressure higher, there are also digestive problems, sleep disorders, cardiac arrhythmias and more.

If you notice greater anxiety in yourself than in your fellow human beings, then action is called for – also to protect your heart!


Women tolerate lack of sleep better

Women, especially mothers, have skills that enable them to cope with too little sleep. This makes perfect sense when a mother has to look after an infant, but it is unhealthy for the heart if the lack of sleep lasts for years.

Those who cannot sleep through the night harm themselves. The ability to learn and remember decreases, the metabolism changes.

Weight gain inevitably follows, daytime sleepiness increases and leads to “blackouts” which endanger safety (including in traffic).

Long-term sleep disorders make you depressed, can cause cardiac arrhythmias and high blood pressure, and a lack of sleep also damages the immune system. So get enough and sound sleep to protect your heart!


The key is in your hand!

Genetics is what we are born with from our parents. Your life is what you make of it. If your parents were overweight and had a heart condition, it means you have a predisposition to it. But that doesn’t mean you have to let it get this far!

After all, you are still the one who puts the food in your mouth and you are entirely responsible for how health-conscious and heart-healthy you are in your life. So make something of it!

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