Tips For A Healthy Scalp

A healthy scalp means healthy hair growth and well-groomed, healthy hair. But how do you care for the scalp?

Tips for a healthy scalp

Anyone with a healthy scalp is unfamiliar with problems such as itching, dandruff or irritability.

The scalp suffers from chemical hair dyes, heat, UV radiation and dry air. For a healthy scalp, you sometimes have to help out if you have unnecessarily stressed it by chemicals or other external influences.

Healthy scalp, healthy hair

A healthy scalp ensures healthy, natural hair growth. Sunburn, heat from a hairdryer, and chemicals from hair products or hair dyes can damage the scalp.

This is completely counterproductive because only a healthy scalp can produce healthy hair!

So if you want beautiful, healthy hair, you should pay attention to a healthy scalp. We have the following tips for a healthy scalp for you:

Aloe vera for a healthy scalp

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a great way to nourish, moisturize, and keep the scalp healthy for healthy hair growth.

Please make sure to only use pure aloe gel that does not contain alcohol. Alcohol is often used to preserve the gel, but it dries out hair and skin and is counterproductive.

The easiest way to use aloe vera is to massage the gel straight onto the scalp.

To do this, distribute a good amount of pure aloe gel evenly on your scalp and then let it soak in and dry out thoroughly.

To maximize the effect on the scalp, use this method in the evening before bed so that the aloe gel can work for as long as possible.

The next morning, wash your hair with a mild shampoo, preferably without silicone, so as not to clog the pores of your scalp.

Rosemary for a healthy scalp


Products that use rosemary in hair care advertise the following traditional properties of rosemary in hair care, which are only based on experience and tradition, but are rarely scientifically proven.

Rosemary vitalizes the hair, improves the supply of nutrients to the hair roots, reduces hair loss, promotes hair growth, strengthens the hair, ensures a healthy scalp, promotes blood circulation in the scalp, helps against dry, itchy scalp, reduces dandruff and excessive sebum formation.

The mild antibacterial and antifungal properties of rosemary make rosemary oil an effective treatment for scalp inflammation and for reducing dandruff.

If you want to try out the effects of rosemary on your scalp, it’s easy to add rosemary to your regular hair products.

Before applying shampoo, conditioner, or conditioner, mix pure rosemary essential oil into the product and let it sit on your scalp.

The oil from the needles of rosemary or the brew from it is traditionally used against hair loss.

Since rosemary oil is an essential oil that can cause skin irritation when used on its own, it should be mixed with a neutral oil before applying to the scalp.

Sesame or jojoba oil work well as a base.

healthy scalp through proper care

Wash your hair properly

If you put too hot water on your scalp , it becomes irritated and tries to compensate for this with increased production of sebum and skin oils.

Opt for a water temperature that is only lukewarm that does not irritate or stress your scalp.

The milder the shampoo and the milder the surfactants it contains, the better it is for your scalp. You can also try moisturizing hair soaps, which do not completely degrease the hair and scalp, but rather gently care for them while washing your hair.

Natural mask for a healthy scalp

Avocado oil

The high-quality oil from the avocado is not only very effective in skin care, but also helps very well against dry and brittle hair.

You can massage it into your hair and scalp as a pure oil as a treatment , but you can also use a pureed avocado as a hair treatment!

Massage the scalp

When you wash your hair, give yourself and your scalp a little massage. This will ensure better blood circulation.

It’s very simple: when you massage in the shampoo, use your fingers to knead the scalp well.

When you brush your hair, make sure that you also brush the scalp with the brush, because this gives you a little “mini massage” every time, which ensures more blood flow to the scalp.

Ultimately, this ensures that the nutrients are well transported to the hair roots.

Protect the scalp

Make sure that nothing stresses your scalp in everyday life! Badly fitting protective helmets with sharp edges can irritate the scalp, for example.

Hair clips that rub against the scalp are just as bad. Take care when you do your hair! Protect the scalp from too much cold with a hat and from too much sun with a hat!

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