Tips For Avoiding Wrinkles Around The Eyes

A sufficient supply of moisture is essential to prevent signs of aging. The same applies to a sufficient rest phase in which the skin can regenerate

Tips to Avoid Wrinkles Around the Eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes appear quickly. The skin is particularly sensitive and therefore the first signs of aging can be seen here, while no wrinkles can be seen on the rest of the face.

The skin around the eyes contains relatively few sebum glands and a small proportion of the connective tissue fibers collagen and elastin. She therefore needs adequate care if she is to remain young and beautiful despite the past.

A multitude of tiny muscles keep this area of ​​the skin in constant motion – our eyes make up a large part of our facial expressions – and even those who never look angry blinks more than 10,000 times. In order not to develop wrinkles , it is necessary to take good care of it.

In addition, our face is exposed to the sun and other environmental factors more than any other skin area . Add to all these things a lack of sleep, it goes without saying why the skin ages prematurely.

Today there are many cosmetics whose formulation is specially tailored to the requirements of this sensitive skin. This is to prevent premature aging of the skin from becoming visible in the area of ​​the eyes.

In addition to cosmetics, however , a healthy lifestyle and following simple rules of conduct also help to maintain skin health and avoid wrinkles.

We would like to give you a few tips in this regard and also reveal how you can prepare a natural serum for daily skin care.

Tips to avoid wrinkles around the eyes

The cause of wrinkles and other signs of aging is very common in the exposure to sun and environmental factors.

Behavior that tries to reduce these factors therefore makes a decisive contribution to the prevention of wrinkles.

Wear sunglasses


In order to protect the delicate skin around the eyes, high-quality sunglasses that do not let UV radiation through should be worn .

We do not notice what the UV rays are causing in our skin, but in the long term we see the wrinkled result. The UV rays generate free radicals that damage the cells’ DNA.

Incidentally, this does not only apply to the skin on the face; adequate sun protection is always and everywhere important.

Incidentally, the blazing sun is also very stressful for the eyes and the incidence of light inside the eyes cannot be turned down so far that they can relax again.

Don’t forget to remove your make-up

Two serious mistakes can be made when removing makeup from the area around the eyes: removing makeup too aggressively and not removing makeup at all.

You have to be very careful when removing make-up residue around the eyes so as not to irritate the sensitive skin.

In the long run, you will otherwise weaken the skin in these areas and provoke the early appearance of wrinkles. It is advisable to remove make-up with a little olive or almond oil on a soft, clean cloth.

There is no way you should go to bed without first cleaning your face.

Use an anti-wrinkle cream

Anti wrinkle cream

Anti-wrinkle creams contain retinol, elastin and antioxidants and are very suitable for nourishing the skin and preventing and reducing signs of aging.

There are many products in all price ranges on the market. But you can also look for natural alternatives.

Sleep well

Our sleeping habits influence our health and thus also our skin. Sufficient, restful sleep helps to prevent dark circles, bags under the eyes, tired eyes and all sorts of other blemishes.

How to prepare a natural serum for the eye area


A serum is a cosmetic product that contains a large number of active ingredients that are absorbed through the skin and then nourish  the sensitive tissue.

The natural serum we are presenting here can be made at home and is very gentle on the skin. It actively supports the prophylaxis against the formation of wrinkles and reduces dark circles, bags under the eyes and similar problems.

The serum refreshes the skin, tightens it and prevents sagging skin.


  • 2 tbsp aloe vera gel (30 g)
  • 1 tbsp witch hazel water (10 ml)
  • 1 tbsp liquid coffee (10 ml)
  • 2 drops of cypress essential oil


  • Mix the aloe vera gel with the rose water in a clean container. Then add the coffee and cypress oil, making sure that everything mixes well.
  • You shouldn’t make large amounts of this serum, as it will only last a few days.
  • You can keep it in a tightly sealable container in the refrigerator during this time.

type of application

  • We recommend treating your skin to this serum at least three times a week, in the morning or in the evening.
  • Take a small amount of the serum, then rub it gently into the area around your eyes.
  • If you start the day with the serum, you can apply makeup as soon as it has absorbed.
  • You can use the serum indefinitely and make it part of your daily beauty regimen. It does not irritate the skin even after prolonged use.

If you follow the advice given above and also treat your sensitive skin to our natural serum, you will keep the skin around the eyes young and healthy for a long time. Get started today!

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