What Dreams Tell Us

Repetitive dreams, such as falling into the depths or persecution, reveal internal aspects of our personality that we may not want to admit.

What dreams tell us

Have you always wanted to know what dreams can reveal ? What do they mean and what is behind them? Today we are dealing with this topic. Just read on to find out more.

The world of dreams often reflects our feelings. Feelings of fear, stress and other emotions appear in dreams that we experience deep down. Who hasn’t dreamed of falling into space? In this article, we want to dig deeper into what dreams reveal .

A good night’s sleep is of great importance not only for the body but also for the mind. Incredibly, our brains are extremely active during sleep. It is during this time that memories, experiences and thoughts are organized.

Those who suffer from insomnia, for example, often also have difficulty concentrating and memory.  Dreams reveal a lot about mental health. Being able to interpret these can therefore be of great help.

What are Emotional Dreams?

  • In our everyday life, we often unconsciously go through different situations.  Excessive pressure at work, lack of recognition, stress, problems at home, etc. are often ignored, downplayed as unimportant or not addressed at all. These are just a few examples that can affect your state of mind and inner feelings. The reason for this is that they are only perceived subconsciously, but not really processed.
  • However, coping with the problems is extremely important to emotional health. Only in this way can a balance be established and calm can be found. But when life is full of worry, stress, headache, malaise, etc. appear – states that are reflected in our dreams.
  • Dreams are the perfect way to let your emotions run free.  Fears and problems appear in dream images that each of us sees. The state of mind thus finds its scenario in the subconscious at night. We either look our fears straight in the eye or they disguise themselves in metaphorical figures. Below are some examples.

What dreams reveal: an explanation for dream images that appear again and again

1. Persecution


Who hasn’t had this dream before? It is one of the most common dreams. You are on the street or walking through a familiar area and feel a presence behind you. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a person, it can also be an animal or something indefinable.

The explanation is actually very simple. Something is depressing us, we are afraid of something and we are unable. to express or pronounce this. Often it is something that we want to tell our superior or partner and do not dare.

2. The fall into the void

Dreams 3

This dream is usually very brief and can cause you to wake up suddenly. We often find ourselves bathed in sweat and breathing heavily. In this dream you suddenly fall into the void or the floor disappears in a flash. What do you think this means?

These dreams indicate stressful situations  in which one is overly sensitive and the organism reacts immediately. If these types of dreams appear often, we should become aware of the situation, face it and change something in order to find our spiritual peace.

3. Trapped in a web


Without knowing why, we are suddenly trapped in an unbearably narrow space or network. We cannot find the exit or we are unable to escape. We are out of breath, have palpitations, are weakened and are afraid.

When this happens in our dreams, we should stop and ask ourselves a very important question. Are there any troubling problems? Worry can  get us so captivated that we can choke on the pressure.

4. Nudity or teeth falling out

These type of dreams are due to low self-esteem or self-esteem at a certain moment in our lives. In these dreams we go out naked for no reason. They are mostly associated with negative feelings about ourselves.

This is also the case with dreams in which our teeth are falling out or looking terrible. We talk z. B. with someone and suddenly our teeth fall out. It may be possible that we are very vulnerable at the stage in life when these dreams appear.

5. Natural disasters


Thunderstorms, fires, gust winds that destroy houses, trees, etc. … Why do we dream about it? They are examples of feelings of fear and powerlessness. Our condition is likely to be very sensitive and we feel very fragile towards other people or in certain situations.

These natural events represent our problems that cause us harm. They can be our work, our relationship, and so on. Probably these types of dreams are the most terrifying as we feel fragile and vulnerable to them.

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