When Will Your Child Be Diaper-free – And How?

Some children do not even want to be diaper-free, but because at some point it is really about time, we recommend valuable tips to you.

When will your child become diaper-free - and how?

A child who is diaper-free experiences a whole new form of self-confidence. Even if they refused to go to the toilet beforehand or even refused completely. Find out how your child can get dry and walk the world without a diaper .

Why should children quickly become diaper-free?

When your child becomes diaper-free depends on two decisive factors: you and your child. Basically, however, you should try to get your child diaper-free as soon as possible. Because be honest: from a certain age, diapers are a stress-free, but expensive and environmentally harmful method for parents to keep the child clean.

But being diaper-free also has many advantages for your child, after all, you too know the phenomena that can occur when wearing diapers:

  • Diaper rash
  • Sweaty bottom in the hot season
  • Bad smells
  • constipation

If your child is already in kindergarten, but not yet diaper-free, there is also the psychological component: Children who are already dry could annoy your “diaper child” with derogatory remarks. The mouth of children reveals the truth …

become diaper-free

How do you remove the child from the diaper?

Have you heard of the nagging your baby gets when it comes to a diaper? Do you remember his radiant face when you let it kick without a nappy? At some point, however, your child will get used to the diaper and only what they know will be good. So let it get to know the “world without diapers” and find it good!

From around 18 months, leave the diaper off at least during the day in your child’s familiar surroundings. Don’t put your child under pressure by constantly asking them if they “have to” or use the bathroom. Get to know your child and their rhythm and only use the toilet when you are sure that something will “come”. Anything else leads to frustration.

It is clear that a lot goes into the non-existent pants at first. Don’t scold, because your child will certainly not find it pleasant to wet themselves. But only in this way does it get to know its body, which it could never before through the thick diaper!

Child has to become diaper-free

Be consistent and safe

If you want your child to be diaper-free, then you should be sure of this decision and stick to it consistently. Your child senses your insecurity and becomes insecure as a result. And be consistent in your behavior. Of course there will be puddles everywhere, but that won’t stop when you put on diapers again, you just postpone the “problem” until later.

Your child has to learn to perceive his body feelings and to interpret them correctly. If it puts a “heap” in the diaper, it does not see (and smell) the result and cannot correctly classify the body’s feeling of the previous intestinal pressure.

If you watch your child closely, you can determine after a few days when they feel the intestinal pressure and put them on the potty.

The pressure on the bladder is also “visible”, you just have to get to know your child “bottomless”. Sometimes children look down just before they urinate. Some have standard situations after which they always have to pee, for example after a nap.

If you consistently leave your child at home “downstairs”, you both learn to quickly defuse the “puddle situation”.

Child on bowl

Down without dry, not dressed?

Have you had the patience to let your child run around “downstairs” at home and your child is now completely diaper-free? Bravo! But why does something go wrong again and again as soon as the child is completely dressed?

This is because the two of you then have less control over what is going on in the little body. For your child, the clothes resemble a diaper again and it has to learn that it is not and that it always has to be informed.

Take your child to the toilet with you if you go yourself and show that you take off your pants before peeing (or “poop”). Every time. Children want to emulate adults and maybe even a few droplets come when you walk together? You to the toilet, your child to the potty?

Child on changing table

When is it too early?

It is really possible to have a child under 2 years of age clean and diaper-free. But you need patience and at least 2 weeks of intensive time at home, during which you run after your child almost non-stop with the potty (and toilet paper). Depending on how your child sleeps, it may not work out at night, but fine during the day.

For children under 18 months, however, it is usually too early, but from 1 ½ years you can begin the great freedom from the diaper. There can always be setbacks – but they depend primarily on your (lack of) consistency. I wish you success!

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