Why Soft Drinks Harm Your Body

Excessive consumption of soda and soft drinks can damage the kidneys, teeth and heart.

Why soft drinks harm your body

Soft drinks are very harmful to your body. This article will tell you everything you need to know the next time you reach for a soft drink of this type.

Most  soft drinks consist of a basic chemical and artificial colors. Of course, they also contain a lot of sugar. All of this is harmful to your health.

We will therefore take a closer look at the effects of soft drinks and show you what effect they have on the body.

Soft drinks and their effects on the body

1. Effect on the liver

Believe it or not, cirrhosis of the liver can be caused by high consumption of cola beverages. 

Experts assume that just 600 ml of these soft drinks a day can cause the disease to progress. If you know how bad the drink is for your body, you’d better not drink it.

2. Effect on the kidneys

Soft drinks damage the kidneys

The high content of phosphoric acid in soft drinks causes kidney stones. Several studies have confirmed that people who do not consume soft drinks are less likely to have kidney stones.

Our daily sugar consumption should not exceed three tablespoons. However, a small bottle or can of soda contains around 6 tablespoons of sugar. Not to mention a number of additives and preservatives.

The drinks also contain refined sugar. S he is completely free of any nutrients.

In order to be able to process the drinks in the body, you need vitamin B. The digestive process therefore uses up the vitamin from the body. Among other things, this leads to fatigue and poor digestion.

3. Risk of obesity

A 500 ml bottle of soft drink contains around a tenth of your total daily consumption of calories. So it is very easy to exceed your daily consumption because you often do not “count” drinks.

In addition, the high sugar content leads to a rapid rise in blood sugar. If it falls again, we get cravings for the next candy.

The result is that we eat more than we use up. In the end, we put on a lot of weight.

4. Effects on teeth

Soft drinks damage your teeth

The sugar and acids in soft drinks attack tooth enamel. Artificial dyes can also be harmful to teeth. The combination of sugar and acid can also cause tooth decay.

Because we often drink soft drinks “in between”, we usually don’t brush our teeth afterwards. This increases the risk that the teeth will suffer from our habits.

5. Effect on the bones

If we constantly drink soft drinks, the body stops absorbing calcium from food. As a result, the bone density decreases. Children in particular are susceptible to this deficiency.

The likelihood of developing osteoporosis is related to the bone density that is built up during the first few years of life.

When the absorption of calcium is reduced, bone density decreases and bone fractures increase. A factor in the lack of calcium can be the consumption of soft drinks.

Studies have shown that both refined sugars and caffeine can hinder the absorption of calcium.

6. Effect on the heart

Soft drinks damage the heart

Studies have shown that people who drink a liter or more of soft drinks a day are 50% more likely to cause metabolic syndrome. Over time, this syndrome often leads to cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Ingredients of soft drinks

Soft drinks are made using many additives. On the one hand, this ensures their appetizing color – but can also have many negative consequences, for example allergies or hyperactivity in children.

  • Caramel. This attractive shade is found in cola drinks. To do this, sugar is mixed with nitrates and sulfides and subjected to high pressure. Consumption changes the composition of the blood and even led to cancer formation in animal experiments.
  • Carmine E120. In animal experiments, it led to growth restrictions.
  • Tartrazine E102. This yellow dye causes asthma, runny nose, and hives when mixed with aspirin.

You don’t have to do without soft drinks from one day to the next. But you should definitely pay attention to how much of it you drink.

Think about your health and how harmful the drinks are to your body.

The chemical components of soft drinks accelerate the progression of certain diseases such as diabetes. Simply replacing the drinks with the sugar-free or light version is only conditionally advisable because of the other additives.

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