Why We Should Drink Pineapple Water On An Empty Stomach

The best way to benefit from its nutrients and other effective ingredients is to drink pineapple water not only several times a day, but especially the first glass on an empty stomach.

Why we should drink pineapple water on an empty stomach

Why should you drink pineapple water on an empty stomach ? What are the benefits and how is the best and easiest way to prepare the pineapple water?

The deliciously tasting pineapple has been valued since ancient times for its diuretic and digestive qualities, which promote the proper functioning of the most important organs.

The greatest advantage of this tropical fruit, however, is its high proportion of fiber, phytosterols and bromelain, which promote the elimination of toxins from the body and thus prevent diseases.

In addition, their wealth of antioxidants should be emphasized, which protect the organism from cell damage caused by free radicals and responsible for chronic ailments and premature aging.

In addition, the pineapple helps you lose weight because it supports the feeling of satiety, has only a few calories and also promotes the metabolic cycle.

Their taste and versatility allow them to be included in the daily diet in a wide variety of ways. The consumption of pineapple water, prepared from the pulp and the skin, is particularly recommended. This is the best way to benefit from all the beneficial properties.

So today we will show you how this is prepared at home and also explain the advantages of drinking pineapple water on an empty stomach for you. Just try it!

How is pineapple water made?

Pineapple water on an empty stomach

There are a number of ways to make pineapple water, but there is a simple recipe that won’t take much time and will give excellent results.


  • ½ pineapple
  • 1 liter of water


  • Peel half the pineapple, cut it into small cubes and put it in a jug with the water.
  • Let everything rest for the night and drink the water the next day.
  • You can drink the liter divided over the day.

Danger!  Don’t add sugar, it will reduce the pineapple’s healthy properties.

Why should you drink pineapple water on an empty stomach?

The consumption of pineapple water perfectly complements the daily fluid requirements of the organism. 

Pineapple water is easily digestible, contains no sugar and its slightly sour taste makes it a great tasting soft drink on hot days.

Even if you can consume it more often every day, it is always advisable to drink the first glass of pineapple water on an empty stomach.

So all components can develop freely and the positive effects support you from the first moment of the day.

Pineapple water is anti-inflammatory

Pineapple water on an empty stomach is anti-inflammatory

The bromelain contained in pineapple, an effective digestive enzyme, has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a very positive effect on the tissue and other body systems.

We recommend pineapple water to anyone with chronic diseases such as arthritis, bone disease, and other disorders that make the body prone to inflammation.

Pineapple water also helps with bloating, as it reduces the occurrence of digestive gases and fluid retention.

Pineapple water helps you lose weight

Pineapple water is also an excellent dietary supplement for anyone who wants to lose weight healthily and permanently.

The fiber and bromelain it contains help  improve digestion and prevent the accumulation of fat.

These same ingredients will also help you control eating habits. They curb the appetite and thereby prevent excessive calorie intake.

Pineapple water cleanses the liver and intestines

Pineapple water on an empty stomach cleanses the liver

For many, liver and intestinal detox has now become a necessity. The accumulation of toxins triggers negative consequences and symptoms that affect health.

Consuming pineapple water on an empty stomach supports the cleansing function of the liver to filter the blood and remove harmful substances.

By the way, it works like a light laxative and stimulates the intestinal transit. 

Pineapple water strengthens the immune system

Due to its high content of vitamin C and other essential nutrients, pineapple water is a great way to strengthen the body’s defenses.

Drinking pineapple water on an empty stomach every day will help prevent viral diseases and reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions.

You should include this water in your diet because it protects your body and improves your health. Daily consumption is highly recommended, but even two or three times a week works wonders.

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